Friday, October 29, 2010

The ribbed baby jacket

One of my go-to knits as of late as been the Debbie Bliss Ribbed Baby Jacket.  First time I made it I stuck directly to the pattern and although I liked the finished look, it needed some tweaking to make it more wearable, especially on a little boy.  This was made for my nephew, Joaquin, in a 12-24 mth size, but it did NOT turn out that large. 

I used Dream In Color classy - cocoa kiss and loved the color variations and the depth.  It was fall when I made it, so that probably  had something to do with it.  I added a looped button closure because it seemed weird for a little boy to not have a closure, the big button looked 'manly' to me I guess!! 

Once it was on him though, it definitely needed some tweaking when I made it again.  This time I added about 20 rows (a couple of inches) in length.  

I decided the collar needed to be widened and because of the added length, another button needed to be added as well. I placed the buttons on the outside of the ribbed collar, so there would be no extra ribbing sticking out when buttoned. 

 The overlap and weight of the yarn made me paranoid it would sag in the middle, so I added a snap on the inside towards the top so it would stay up when closed.  This made a huge difference - I could see even adding another, lower, if you make it any longer. 

 I've made several more of these in multiple colors using these modifications for the most part.  I've stuck with using Dream In Color, I like the hand painted color variations, gives a little character to the relative plainness of the pattern.

Sabina, my little model.  I got very few pictures that were in focus, the hardest part of trying to photograph kids in the finished projects!!

On this I used a button made from coconut, a great texture and worked well with the orange.

Colors didn't turn out quite right, but this is actually a rich, bright blue/purple and lime green button one. 

I made another one with this same yarn color and great toggle buttons, but the dog, Burton, decided to have his way with the sweater and buttons and alas, it wasn't salvageable.